Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Firefox Add-ons

Firefox add-ons are like apps that you would have on your phone or Ipad. They are useful and can be quite the tool. Here are some examples;

1.Disable Ctrl-Q Shortcut: this add on is useful when you have those annoying people in your computer class who think its funny to do the old Ctrl-Q shortcut and close out of your work. This add on permanently disables that function until you delete the add on.
2. No Script: This add-on helps you to maintain good security, and show you which websites to and not to trust.
3. LeachBlock: Leachblock is an add on that helps you manage your time wisely. It lets you block yourself from sites at certain times so that you can stay focused.
4. NoSquint: NoSquint is a add on that helps for people that have a hard time seeing the tiny text that is on a webpage. NoSquint allows you to edit the color and text size on a page for your own convenience.
5. QuickPasswords: QuickPasswords is pretty much like google drive but is strictly for passwords. It allows you to have a place to store your private information so you dont forget it.
6. gTranslate: gTranslate is a tool that lets you have the convenience of translating something without ever having to type it into google.
7. Lazarus: Form Recovery: Lazarus Form Recovery is a great add-on. It allows you to pull up a document if it was accidentally closed out of and not saved, so it basically recovers it (HENCE THE NAME).
8. Session Manager: Session Manager is a add-on that lets you control and manage your tabs without having to dig through them.
9. Similar Sites: Similar Sites is an add-on that lets you look up things and while looking up something on a page it will give you pages that are similar.
10. Image Block: Image Block is a great speed site. It lets you have the option of blocking the images on the site so that the page will load faster.

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